Mini-T: (noun) a quick 30-minute technology training session packed full of classroom ideas and incentives
Open to all Walhalla Middle School teachers and staff!
This is your time to learn how to use a variety of technology in your classroom effectively…
…and get free stuff just for coming!
Mini-Ts will be held once a month on Thursdays from 3:20 - 3:50 pm in Room 207.
2007 Mini-T Schedule
October 11 – Blogs, Small Wonder
Incentive: Free Jeans Day
(on the Friday of your choice in the month of October)
November 8 – CPS
Incentive: Lunch served to you by Mr. Middleton
December 6 – United Streaming and Airliner Notebook software
Incentive: A special treat for you and your classes
If you attend ALL 3 Mini-Ts in 2007
your name will be place in a drawing for a new piece of technology equipment to use in your classroom.
(Who knows, you may win a new Small Wonder or wireless mouse & keyboard!)
2008 Mini-T Schedule
Topics and incentives TBA!
January 10
February 7
March 6
April 24
I am open to developing these sessions around your needs.
Please feel free to email me and let me know what technology you would like to know more about or if you have any questions.
Hope to see ya’ll there!