Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October Mini-T

So here you are...your first Mini-T.

What do you think so far? What thoughts are running through your head?

Are you watching the clock, thinking of all the other things you have to do?
Does the time feel as if it is flying by and you still didn't get enough?

Whatever is on your mind right now, know that this is your time.
These sessions have been created for you. To meet your needs.

My purpose is to not add more to your plate.
(Trust me, I am quickly learning how much teachers have to do!)
But rather, it is to make the load lighter.

My goal is that you learn a few things during these Mini-Ts to use in your classroom, to make things such as - your lessons, accomodations, grading, and communication with your parents and students - much easier.

Do me a favor. Answer 3 simple questions. If you have more to add, please feel free to post as much as you want. Remember, this is your page.

#1 - What technology would you like to discuss in the upcoming Mini-Ts?

#2 - Do you use a lot of technology in your classroom? Why or why not?

#3 - What are a few ways you would feel more supported in the area of technology?


Anonymous said...

1. I have an airliner, but would like more training.
2. I use my laptop and data projector daily. PowerPoint notes, games, etc...
3. A technology blog might be helpful.

Anonymous said...

1 - Small Wonder, Elmo
2 - I use it as much as I can
3 - labs in better shape!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what I'm doing, and would like to get out of the dark

Anonymous said...

1. I would like to learn new ways of using the airliner in lessons

2. I am tryig to use as much technology as I can in my class. I am learning.

3. Short classes like this at school are helpful to teach us new things in mini-lessons.

Anonymous said...

I do use technology in my classroom...more so for health than PE. Would love to incorporate technology more into PE classes. Thinking about possibly using small wonder to help demonstrate activities for the day.

I would love to learn as much new technology stuff I can...not really sure what new stuff is out there.

Would love more computers on the portable labs.

Anonymous said...

#1 - What technology would you like to discuss in the upcoming Mini-Ts?
I would like to learn more about my Airliner. I like the software, but I have a hard time actually writing on the slate!

#2 - Do you use a lot of technology in your classroom? Why or why not?
Yes, I think I do. I use the data projector every day. I have an Airliner, but I'm not great with it. My students are doing blogs using

#3 - What are a few ways you would feel more supported in the area of technology?
My space on the "H" drive is full. It would be helpful if that could be expanded.

Anonymous said...

I do not have a class. I want to learn more about computers.

Anonymous said...

1. Why would I want to use a blog?

2. I use some technology in my classroom, laptop, projector

3, More training like this will be helpful.

Anonymous said...

I want to learn how to use ALL the technology and hear how everybody else uses it. I use the data projector, but it's not mounted and shows all over the wall and ceiling. I feel like the school is trying to support me as much as possible, but I think the school is in the dark about the fact that some of us are totally in the dark!

Anonymous said...

I would like to discuss building web sites and anything else that is fun and easy to use.
I use little technology in my classroom (projector).
I would love to have more technology for everyone to use (CPS, cameras, laptops, etc.)and for the labs to be updated.

Anonymous said...

1. I want to start using the data projector. I need written steps to go by.
2. Tell us what qualifies as technology.
3. Be able to have a contact person who will be patient.

Anonymous said...
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